University of Southern Indiana

Laboratory Audit Essentials

Course Name

Laboratory Audit Essentials

Contact Hours: 3 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

Who Should Take This Course: Enviromental professionals who use data generated by environmental laboratories to make project decisions or review environmental laboratory data. This may include: samplers drillers engineers geologists scientists field technicians Topics include: document checks laboratory quality control procedures laboratory performance laboratory record management laboratory report content laboratory glassware cleaning laboratory hazardous waste disposal corrective actions


After completing this series, participants should be able to:

  • Perform a document search of important laboratory documents
  • Evaluate laboratory staffing levels and experience
  • Evaluate that the laboratory has properly trained staff
  • Check laboratory quality control procedures, physical facility requirements, traceability and calibration procedures
  • Check laboratory record management and storage procedures
  • Check laboratory hazardous waste disposal procedures
  • Check sample receipt and tracking procedures


There are three (3) modules and an online reference section that comprise this course. Each module is accompanied by an exam to help you evaluate your understanding of the course material. In order to complete the course, you must review the modules and submit the exams. Although not required, we suggest you proceed through the modules in the order they are presented.


  1. Module 1: Introduction and Overview
  2. Module 2: Basic Components of a Laboratory Audit
  3. Module 3: The Laboratory Quality System Resources